For over three-quarters of a century, Santa Barbara has celebrated the Semana Nautica Festival surrounding the 4th of July holiday. The festival originated in 1933 when the local populace challenged the crew of five U.S. Navy battleships, moored outside the harbor, to a series of contests along the beach. Dubbed Fleet Week, the resulting enthusiasm inspired the City Council to charter the event on a permanent basis the following year and change the name to Semana Nautica in honor of the town’s Spanish heritage.
Santa Barbara Running Association is proud to host the 5k Trail Run at Elings Park.
Time: 8:30 5k, 9:30 kids 1.2 mile run
Cost: $45 non-members, $35 active SBRA members, $20 kids (free active JGP members)
Registration Click Here
Active members check your email for the discount code.
2023 Semana Nautica 5K Course Map
2023 Semana Nautica Kids Run Course Map